Service Offerings
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care
At Integrated Wellness Chiropractic, we provide a comprehensive range of treatments tailored to individuals of all ages, from newborns to centenarians. Our services include:
Full-Spine and Extremity Adjustments: Manual adjustments for the spine, along with targeted adjustments for extremities like shoulders and knees.
Lumbar Spine Flexion-Distraction: A technique specifically designed to alleviate lower back pain.
Light Force and Tonal Adjustments: Gentle methods that focus on restoring function to the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.
Our chiropractic adjustments aim to:
Alleviate Pain and Stress: By removing interference within the body's systems, we enhance your physical resilience and adaptability to environmental changes.
Promote Balance and Homeostasis: Restoring ease and balance to your body's natural state.
About Dr. Turino:
With over 15 years of practice and as a third-generation chiropractor, Dr. Turino brings a wealth of experience to your treatment. Our approach ensures safe, painless, and relaxing adjustments that effectively clear nervous system interference, promoting optimal health and mobility.
Shockwave Therapy
Scar tissue and adhesions can develop in joints and soft tissues following injuries, repetitive use, surgery, or inflammation. Our Shockwave Therapy is designed to address these issues effectively by:
Enhancing Blood Flow (Vascularization): Improving circulation to the affected areas.
Stimulating Collagen Production: Activating local collagen synthesis for tissue repair.
Boosting Cellular Repair: Facilitating faster and more efficient healing at the cellular level.
Effective For:
Shoulder injuries and rotator cuff tears
Plantar fasciitis
Knee injuries and meniscus tears
Disc degeneration
And many other conditions where soft tissue healing is crucial.
Nutrition and Supplementation
At Integrated Wellness Chiropractic, we provide a comprehensive approach to supplementation and nutritional guidance, addressing:
Nutritional Deficiency: Ensuring your body has all the vital nutrients it needs for optimal health.
Oxidative Stress: Combating premature aging by reducing oxidative damage within your cells.
Toxins and Parasites: Supporting your body in detoxifying and defending against harmful substances and parasites.
Our goal is to elevate your longevity and enhance your quality of life. Let us guide you in achieving better health through tailored nutritional strategies and supplementation.